Neste post, vamos exercitar a pronúncia com a temática de RESTAURANTE. Ouça e repita, depois veja o significado das frases, aprenda a diferença entre DESERT e DESSERT, confira a pronúncia natural de I'LL, se usamos money ou cash, como se diz água com e sem gás, guardanapo, comprovante, 'é por minha conta', temperatura ambiente e alguns chunks importantes. 

 Frases abordadas no vídeo: 

  1- I'd like a pineapple juice with no ice, please. 
2- I prefer sparkling water to bottled water. 
3- I can't stand room temperature soda. 
4- Could I have the menu, please? 
 5- I will have the chicken burger and chips. 
 6- Rare, medium or well done? 
7- Here you go. 
8- This table is reserved, but that is free. 
9- I’ll be right back with your drinks. 
10-It’s made of /It comes with lemons, sugar and ice. 
11-Can you make it without tomato? 
12-We only accept cash or debit card. 
13-What kind of desserts do you have? 
14-Excuse me, I have no spoon, knife and fork. 
15-Does it take a long time to prepare? 
16-Anything else? 
17-Could you bring me some napkins? 
18-Here’s your receipt. 
19-For here or to go? 
20-He didn’t want to split the restaurant check / bill.
21- It's on me.

Pratique com um ditado as frases:

 Link deste vídeo:

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